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  • 五年级英语词汇:首字母为m make 制造 man 成年男子 many 很多的 map 地图 march 三月 market 市场 mask 面罩 maths 数学 May 五月 may 可以 me 我 meat 肉 meet 遇见 meeting 会议 melon 瓜 mention 谈到 middle
  • 五年级英语词汇:首字母为n name n. 名字 near adj. 近的 need vt.n. 需要 never adv. 从不 new adj 新的 news n. 新闻 newspaper n.报纸 next n. adj. 下一个 nice adj. 令人愉快的 night n. 晚上 nine n. 九 no a
  • 五年级英语词汇:首字母为o o clock 点钟 October 十月 of ......的 office 办公室 often 常常 oh 阿 噢 Ok 好的 old 旧的 on 在......上 once 一次 one 一 only 唯一的 open 开着的 or 或者、还是 orange 橙子 oth
  • 五年级英语词汇:首字母为p panda 熊猫 paper 纸 parent 父亲 park 公园 parrot 鹦鹉 party 聚会 past 时间过了 PE 体育 peach 桃子 pear 梨 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pencilbox 铅笔盒 people 人、人民 picture 图画
  • 五年级英语词汇:首字母为z zebra 斑马 zip 拉链 zoo 动物园
  • 五年级英语词汇:首字母为w walk 行走 wall 墙 want 想要 war 战争 ward 病房 warm 温暖的 wash 洗 washer 洗衣机 washing 洗 watch 手表 water 水 we 我们 weak 虚弱的 weather 天气 Wednesday 星期三 week 星期 w
  • 五年级英语词汇:首字母为v vase 花瓶 very 非常 vest 汗衫 video 录像带 visit 探访 volleyball 排球
  • 五年级英语词汇:首字母为y year 年 yellow 黄色的 yes 是,是的 yesterday 昨天 you 你 young 年轻的 your 你的
  • 五年级英语词汇:首字母为q quarter n.四分之一 queen n.王后 question n.问题 quilt n.被子
  • 五年级英语词汇:首字母为r rabbit 兔子 radio 收音机 rain 雨 rainy 下雨的 read 读、念 ready 准备好的 rectangle 长方形 red 红色的 rice 米 rich 富有的 ride 骑 right 正确的 river 河流 road 道路 room 房间
  • 五年级英语词汇:首字母为s same 一样的,相同的 saturday 星期六 school 学校 schoolbag 书包 schoolboy 男学生 schoolgirl 女学生 seat 座位 see 看见 September 九月 seven 七 shanghai 上海 she 她 sheep 羊 sh
  • 五年级英语词汇:首字母为t table 桌子 take 拿 tall 高的 tape 磁带 tea 茶 teach 教 teacher 老师 teeth 牙齿(复数) ten 十 tennis 网球 text 课文 thank 感谢 that 那 那个 the 这 their 他们的 them 他们 the
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:如鱼得水 In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the country was in confusion. 东汉末年,天下大乱。 In order to reunite the country, Liu Bei paid a visit to Zhu Geliang who had hidde
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:亡羊补牢 Once upon a time, there was a shepherd who kept several sheep. 从前有个人,养了几只羊。 One morning, the shepherd discovered that one of his sheep was missing.It turn
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:笨鸟先飞 The early bird catches the worm 笨鸟先飞 A bird hatches six baby birds.The Sixth is very weak and small; his sisters and brothers usually bully him.The other birds usu
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:得寸进尺 During the late Zhanguo period, there were seven kingdoms on the mainland of China. Among the seven kingdoms, the Qin kingdom was the most powerful one. The ruler of
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:守株待兔 Once upon a time, there was a farmer.One day, while he was working in the fields, he saw a hare run into a tree stump accidentally and die of a broken neck. 从前,有
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:对牛弹琴 对牛弹琴 During the Warring States Period, there was a musician named Gongming Yi, who played musical instruments very well. 战国时代,有一个叫公明仪的音乐家,他很会
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:滴水穿石 滴水穿石 One day, Zhang Guaiya (the county magistrate) was patrolling the government buildings. 一天,宋朝县令张乖崖在衙门周围巡行。 He saw a minor official come out f
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:孔融让梨 孔融让梨 In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a person called Kong Rong. He was very smart ever since he was a little boy. He had five older brothers and one younger
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:隔墙有耳 隔墙有耳 Once upon a time, there was a curious man. 从前,有一个好奇心很重的人。 He liked to gossip about other peoples privacy. 他总是喜欢四处打听别人的秘密。 He kne
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:指鹿为马 指鹿为马 In Qin dynasty, there was a powerful and evil counselor named Zhao Gao. 在秦朝,有个很得势的奸臣叫赵高。 Zhao Gao wanted to rebel, but he didn t know how man
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:破镜重圆 破镜重圆 In the Northern and Southern Dynasties (南北朝,420-589AD) when the State of Chen (陈国) was facing its demise, Xu Deyan (徐德言), husband of the princess,
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:南辕北辙 南辕北辙 Once a man went to the south, but his carriage was heading north. 一次一个人想往南走,但是他的马车却是朝北走的。 A passer-by asked him: If you are going to
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:门可罗雀 门可罗雀 Duke Jai was a Han dynasty (汉朝) government official. 汲黯是汉朝的一位名臣。 Because he held a very high-ranking and powerful position, many of his friends,
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:狼狈为奸 狼狈为奸 A wolf and a jackal often went hunting together. 狼和狈经常结伴去伤害牲畜。 Once they came to a sheepfold, the walls of which were too high for them to get ov
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:塞翁失马 塞翁失马 Near China s northern borders lived a man called Sai Weng. He raised a lot of horses. 战国时期,靠近北部边城,住着一个姓塞老人, 他养了许多马。 One day, he lo
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:鹤立鸡群 鹤立鸡群 Ji Shao, an aide to Emperor Jin Hui during the Jin Dynasty, was handsome and talented. 晋朝时,有一个人叫嵇绍,担任晋惠帝的侍从官。他长得仪表堂堂,而且才能出
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:老马识途 老马识途 In the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Huan of Qi led an army to attack a small state in the north. 春秋时代,齐桓公出征攻打北方一个小国。 They went in spring
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:滥竽充数 滥竽充数 During the Warring States Period (475-221BC), the King of the State of Qi was very fond of listening to yu ensembles. He often got together 300 yu players to
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:半途而废 半途而废 During the Warring States Period (475-221BC), there was a man called Yue Yangzi in State Wei. 战国时期,魏国有个叫乐羊子的人。 Yue Yangzi felt that he should
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:郑人买履 郑人买履 A man of the state of Zheng wanted to buy a pair of shoes. 从前,郑国有个人想买双鞋。 He measured his foot and put the measurement on a chair. 他量好了自己脚的
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:破釜沉舟 破釜沉舟 In the late years of the Qin Dynasty (秦朝,221 - 206BC), Xiang Yu (项羽) launched a rebellion. 秦朝末年,项羽发动了叛乱。 After crossing the Zhang River (漳
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:杞人忧天 杞人忧天 In the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋时期,770-476 BC), in the State of Qi there was a man who always let his imagination run away with him. 春秋战国时期,杞
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:毛遂自荐 毛遂自荐 In the Warring States Period, the State of Qin besieged the capital of the State of Zhao. 战国时代,秦国军队攻打赵国的都城。 Duke Pingyuan of Zhao planned to
  • 小学英语双语故事赏析:名落孙山 名落孙山 In the Song Dynasty (宋朝) there was a joker called Sun Shan (孙山). 宋朝有一个很幽默的人,他叫孙山。 One year he went to take the imperial examination, and c
