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  • One day, the white sheep said: My house is very old. It is no good. I will get some wood and make a new house up on the hill. But who will help me? 一天,白羊说: 我的房子很旧。它不是很好。 我要找些
  • 旁白:Once upon a time, there were three bears: Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby bear. They lived together in the forest. One day, Mama Bear cooked a big pot of porridge. It was so hot, so they decided
  • From the moment you hold your baby in your arms, you will never be the same. 当你把宝宝抱在怀里,从那一刻起,你再也回不到从前。 You might long for the person you were before. 也许,你会怀念从前的自己
  • Gran picks up Suzie from school. Gran pushes the babies and Suzie walks Boxer the dog. When they get home, Gran looks for her key. She looks in all her pockets, but there is no key. 奶奶去学校接苏西
  • 旁白:Long ago, there were a fisherman and his wife who lived by seaside. They lived in a shabby house. One day, the fisherman went to the sea and started to cast the net.At the first three times, he
  • 旁白:Once upon a time, there was a girl named Cinderella. His father married a woman. This woman had two daughters of her own. They treated Cinderella very badly. They made the girl do all the cooki
  • Long ago in the mountains of Japan, there lived a stonecutter. His name was Yoshi. He was a poor man. 很久以前,在日本的山里住着一位石匠。他的名字叫Yoshi。他是个穷人。 One day, Yoshi said: I wish I
  • 旁白:Deep in the sea, there was a kingdom of fish, lived an old king and his six daughters. All of them were charming and pretty, but the youngest one, with a melodious voice, was the most beautiful
  • Nick is looking for his brown shoes. Here is one, he says. Where is the other one? Nick s little puppy, Spot, is under the bed. He has Nick s other shoe. Wuff! barks Spot. 尼克正在找他的棕色鞋
  • One morning, three little mice were playing outside. Then, they saw a cat coming. Oh, no! A cat is coming to get us! White Mouse said. Run to the fence! The cat can t get under the fence. 有一天
  • Max likes to ride his bike. He always goes along the path. One day, he sees something moving in the grass. 马克斯喜欢骑自行车。他总是沿着这条路走。一天,他看到草地上有什么东西在动。 Max gets off his
  • 旁白:One day, Alice and her sister were reading books in the park. But the books didn t have pictures in them. Alice didn t like those kinds of books. Suddenly, a white rabbit jumped out. 兔子:Oh,
  • Once upon a time, two blind men were good friends, and they lived together. One day, they decided to cook some fish soup for themselves. Soon, they bought a fish and were ready to set up a cooker to
  • She s nice, my mum. 我妈妈真的很棒 My mum s a fantastic cook, and a brilliant juggler. 我妈妈是个手艺特好的大厨师, 也是一个很会杂耍的特技演员。 She s a great painter, and the STRONGEST woman in the
  • It isn t much fun on the farm. The animals do the same thing every day. 在农场里没有多少乐趣。动物们每天都做同样的事情。 One day, all the animals stop working. We want to have fun! all the animals
  • 1. Maybe.也许吧。 2. Not exactly.不完全。 3. I guess so.可能是吧。 4. It might be true.也许是真的吧。 5. It could be.可能会吧。 6. I am not sure.我不太清楚。 7. I hope you are right.但愿是这样。 8. S
  • Looks like it s broken. 这好像坏了。 Mom, it s not working. 妈,这个不能工作了。 Mom, can you fix this? 妈,你能修复它吗? I broke it by accident. 我不小心弄破了。 Can it be used again? 这个还能用吗?
  • Let s put some water in the flower pots. 我们放点水到花盆里吧 Let s water the flowers. 让我们浇花吧 The soil is all dry. 这些土都干了 The flower s withered. 这些花都枯了 Seems like the flowers are th
  • There are lots of things on the floor. 地板满满的都是东西。 Put it in the drawer. 放到抽屉里。 Put them in the shelf. 放到架子上。 Organize your things well. 把你的东西整理好。 You should clear up.
  • Hang your jacket on the hanger. 把你的夹克挂衣架上。 Put it in the closet. 把它放衣柜里。 Mom, there s nowhere to put this. 妈,没地方放这个。 Mom, this is too small now. 妈,这衣服太小了。 Take out
  • 点击查看万博体育app::英语解析 奥数网提醒: 小学数学试题、知识点、学习方法 尽在 奥数网 微信公众号
  • Mom, where is my ruler? 妈,我尺子在哪里? I can t find it, Mom. 我找不到它,妈妈。 Look for it carefully. 仔细找。 Try to think where you left it. 想下你放在哪了。 I m sure I put it here. 我肯定我把
  • Get me some water, Mom. 妈,我要喝水。 It isn t enough. 还不够。 I want more. 我还要。 This is enough 够了。 I want a snack. 我想吃零食。 I m hungry! Can I have dinner? 我饿了,我可以吃饭吗? Will you
  • Can I do it tomorrow? 我能明天做吗? I ll do it in 5minutes. 我5分钟后做。 Don t push me. 不要催我。 I m almost done, Wait a little. 我快做完了,等一下子。 I m tired. 我累了。 I m all tired out. 我精
  • 点击查看万博体育app::英语解析 奥数网提醒: 小学数学试题、知识点、学习方法 尽在 奥数网 微信公众号
  • Let s wipe the floor. 让我们来擦地板吧。 I m going to sweep the floor today. 今天我要扫地。 We re going to wipe the room with a rag. 我们要用抹布擦房间。 I wipe after sweeping. 先扫之后再擦。 We need
  • It s time to clean up. 该是打扫的时间了。 Can you help Mommy ? 你能帮下妈妈吗? Will you try to use the vacuum? 你想用吸尘器吗? Try it. It s fun. 试试看,很好玩的。 I want to try, Mommy! 妈妈,我想试
  • It s about time for the bus. 公车要来的时间到了。 Your school bus will be here very soon. Let s hurry. 校车马上要来了,快点。 I like riding on the school bus. 我喜欢搭校车。 Go line up nicely for the
  • Go and call the elevator. 去按下电梯。 The elevator is going up. 电梯上来了。 The elevator is going down. 电梯下来了。 Let me push the button. 我来按按钮。 The elevator is here. 电梯来了。 Hold the e
  • Watch out for cars. 要当心车。 Don t walk on the road. 不要走车道。 Always cross at crosswalks. 穿马路时一定要走在斑马线上。 Be careful when you cross the street. 过马路时小心点。 Look sideways while
  • Have a good day. 祝你有个美好的一天。 Have a good time. 祝你度过美好的时光。 Have fun with your friends. 和朋友们玩得开心。 Be happy all day long. 整天都要开心哦。 Bow your head politely, Honey. 要恭
  • Put on your shoes. 穿上你的鞋子。 Get your bag and put on your shoes. 背好书包,穿好鞋子。 Change your shoes to sneakers. 换上运动鞋。 Your shoes are on the wrong feet. 你的鞋子穿错了。 Switch shoes.
  • Hurry up, Honey! 快点,宝贝。 Mom s waiting. 妈妈在等哦。 You ll be late. 你要迟到了。 We still have time, Mommy. 妈妈,我们还有时间。 You ll be late for school if you don t hurry. 你如果不快点你上学
  • What are your supplies for schooltoday? 今天的学校用品是什么? Did you pack your bag? 你整理书包了吗? Did you get your books? 书捡了吗? Did you get your homework? 作业放进去了吗? Do you haveyour lunch
  • Let s comb your hair. 让我给你梳头发。 I will tie your hair pretty. 让我把你的头发绑漂亮来。 Do you want it tied in a ponytail or pigtails? 你想扎马尾辫还是小猪辫? Let me part your hair. 我来把你头
  • Change your clothes. 你要换衣服。 What should I wear? 我要穿哪件? Look in your closet. 到你的衣柜里找。 Change into some comfortable clothes. 换上舒服一点的衣服。 Change into some clean clothes. 换上
